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firewalls ??

I am configuring a new web presence and am still trying to consider the 
different equipment, a glaring fact that is jumping at me is the 
difference in price between the Livingston Firewall routers and the Sun 
firewall 1 or the integraph firewall. My questions are as folows:

1:	what is the difference between the router/firewall config such as 
	  the Livingston IRX firewall router and firewall software to be run on 
			a pc with dual ethernet cards

2:	what if any can people suggest as far as firewalls go ie total 
	  systems, software only etc

3:	We would also like to get some bottlenecks that can spring up from 
	  a firewall being in place, we will have a database on the inside of
		 the firewall which will have to work pretty closely with the web 
			server, we do not want the firewall to hamper delivery speeds.

Thanks for the advice

Tim M
